Kaos GL calls for the trans anarchist prisoner Diren Coskun on hunger strike


Kaos GL Association made a statement with the title “Urgent Release” for trans-anarchist prisoner Diren Coskun held in Tekirdağ F-Type Prison No. 2, who entered the 21st day of hunger strike against the violation of rights in prison and for the right of surgery and treatment. In the statement published in Turkish and English it is called to meet Coşkun’s demands.

Here’s the full statement:

“Human rights demands of transgender woman prisoner Diren Coşkun, who has been under arrest in Tekirdağ No. 2 Prison in Turkey and started a hunger 20 days ago, have to be fullfilled as soon as possible. Gender identify is an integral part of human existence. In this respect, Diren Coşkun’s demands for the right to health from the prison administration are also related with protection of her personal intergrifty and the respect for the right to personality. Prison admistration is responsible for providing the most basic demands of Diren Coşkun regarding her gender identity, gender expression and gender transition; that are surgery, epilation and all other medical, psychological, psychiatric and social support.

Diren Coşkun also declares that although she has the right to go to open prison, she is not allowed to do it. She is being held in isolation under un lawful conditions. Isolation is one of the heaviest punishments, adn its illegal implementation is serious crime.

As Kaos GL Association, we call all relevant national and international institutions, expecially the prison administration, to fullfill the rights of Diren Coşkun and fullfill their duties to meet her demands. Diren Coşkun is not alone!”

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